List of Composite Numbers from 1 to 100

by Lily, Aug 20 2023

What are Composite Numbers?

Hey, little mathematicians! Let's dive into the world of numbers and learn about something cool called "composite numbers."

A composite number is like a friendly puzzle made by multiplying two smaller numbers together. It's like building with blocks! These numbers can be split into two or more "prime" numbers, which are like the special building blocks of math.

For example, take the number 21. It's a composite number because we can find two smaller numbers, 3 and 7, that we can multiply together to make 21. It's like having 3 blocks and 7 blocks, and when we put them together, we get 21!

So, whenever you see a number that's made by multiplying two or more smaller numbers, you've got a composite number on your hands. It's like a fun math mystery waiting to be solved! Keep exploring and discovering the wonders of numbers. Happy math adventures!

Definition of Composite Numbers

Composite numbers are friendly numbers formed by multiplying two or more smaller numbers together. For example, 6 is a composite number because it's made by multiplying 2 and 3 (2 x 3 = 6). They love playing in groups and are a cool part of the math world! Keep exploring, little mathematicians!

Types of Composite Numbers

Hey there, little math explorers! Let's dive into the exciting world of numbers and meet two special kinds of composite numbers: the "Odd Bunch" and the "Even Squad"!

  • The Odd Bunch (Odd Composite Numbers): Imagine a group of numbers that can't be divided equally into pairs. They're like the cool kids who always have one leftover when they play! These are the "Odd Bunch" or the Odd Composite Numbers. They love being made by multiplying two smaller numbers together, just like their friends, the composite numbers. For example, take the number 15. It's in the Odd Bunch because it's formed by multiplying 3 and 5 (3 x 5 = 15). These numbers have a unique charm that makes them stand out in the math crowd!
  • The Even Squad (Even Composite Numbers): Now, let's meet the even-tempered squad of numbers! They are the "Even Squad" or the Even Composite Numbers. These cool numbers can be perfectly divided into pairs without any leftovers. They're like twins! Just like their Odd Bunch friends, they are also created by multiplying two smaller numbers together. Take the number 12, for instance. It's part of the Even Squad because we can make it by multiplying 3 and 4 (3 x 4 = 12). These numbers are all about perfect harmony and teamwork!

So, next time you're exploring numbers, remember the Odd Bunch and the Even Squad. They're both fantastic composite numbers, each with its own special style. Have fun counting and discovering the wonders of math! You're amazing, little mathematicians! Keep shining brightly!

List of Composite Numbers 1 to 100

The composite numbers up to 100 are listed below.

| 1 to 9 | 10 to 19 | 20 to 29 | 30 to 39 | 40 to 49 | 50 to 59 | 60 to 69 | 70 to 79 | 80 to 89 | 90 to 100 |


| 4 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 |

| 6 | 12 | 21 | 32 | 42 | 51 | 62 | 72 | 81 | 91 |

| 8 | 14 | 22 | 33 | 44 | 52 | 63 | 74 | 82 | 92 |

| 9 | 15 | 24 | 34 | 45 | 54 | 64 | 75 | 84 | 93 |

| | 16 | 25 | 35 | 46 | 55 | 65 | 76 | 85 | 94 |

| | 18 | 26 | 36 | 48 | 56 | 66 | 77 | 86 | 95 |

| | | 27 | 38 | 49 | 57 | 68 | 78 | 87 | 96 |

| | | 28 | 39 | | 58 | 69 | | 88 | 98 |

| | | | | | | | | | 99 |

| | | | | | | | | | 100 |

So, there are 74 numbers between the 1 to 100 composite numbers.


Congratulations, young math wizards! You've unlocked the secrets of composite numbers, the friendly bunch formed by multiplying smaller numbers together. They're like playground buddies, always playing in groups and having a blast!

Now, as you continue your math journey, remember to keep an eye out for these special numbers. They're all around you, waiting to be discovered in the world of math and beyond.

So, whether it's the Odd Bunch or the Even Squad, you now know how to spot these fantastic composite numbers. Keep counting, keep exploring, and keep shining brightly!

You've become math superheroes, my little mathematicians! Keep having fun with numbers and embrace the wonders of math. Happy math adventures!

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