Solve Multiplication Sums in No Time With Creta Class

by Daisy, Jun 06 2023

The Creta Class brings the best math lessons to teach the concept of multiplication to kids. Using our short & crisp modules, kids can cover basic to advanced math concepts like sums of multiply. We are developing systematic & scientifically staged lessons to add comprehensive knowledge among kids. Our modules are designed by the best engineers & integrate with the latest AI technology. Creta Class provides learning modules with concept explanations & multiply sums for kids.

Creta Class believed in staged learning; kids will learn multiple concepts stage-wise, and it derives a structured direction & shapes the learning process.

How Does Creta Class Make Multiplication Easy for You?

Creta Class has a team of the best professional & experienced teachers. They bring one-on-one mentoring to deliver personalized learning experiences for kids. At Creta Class, our specialized mentors break down sums of multiply using different methods:

Math Symbol Exercises

  • Match the Words With the Symbols

Teaching multiplication doesn't have to be difficult for kids! Our matching the word with the symbol exercises include different problems. Kids should feel comfortable recognizing the symbol & resembling words to define multiplication in word problems. Without a proper understanding of sums, it would be difficult to solve the equations problems.

Creta Class prepares lessons & test papers covering matching the words with the symbols. It helps the kids to build a foundation for math concepts & solve multiply sums for class 1.

  • Find the Missing Symbol

Creta Class design lessons with a fill-in-the-blank pattern where numbers are placed in an order of equations; however, connecting symbols are missing. So, kids can solve the problem with comprehensive knowledge of multiplication. It works effectively to teach a concept with sums of multiply. Kids expand their thinking capabilities to solve such missing symbols equations.

To begin with basics, the professors teach multiplication to kids using physical objects to calculate the problems. Then, they move to count numbers with their fingers, & gradually upgrade the level with mental calculations. Creta Class uses the missing symbol module to upskill kids' knowledge of multiply sums.

Animated Videos

The visual presentation works faster to retain mathematical concepts rather than plain text. Creta Class develops animated videos explaining the multiplication word problems like a story. It assists kids in grasping the in-depth learning of tricky problems in a precise manner.

The Creta Class team emphasizes delivering tech-driven solutions for math learning. Our team researched the best possible ways to convert complex topics like sums of multiply into simple terms.

AI-Based Quizzes

Once the conceptual knowledge is implanted into a kid's mind with Creta Class fun learning modules, the next step of the mentor would be to test the knowledge of the kids. Creta Class brings the best AI-based quizzes to track the progress of individual kids. These quizzes are interesting & challenging for kids; it sparks curiosity to perform better. With AI integration, our app displays the result instantly & helps parents to understand their kid's knowledge level.

Effective Learning Sessions

Creta Class takes the best advantage of AI-based technology to deliver personalized learning experiences. It helps master the skills with flexible sessions to cover basics to advance multiplication concepts. Our sessions have unlimited accessibility, which kids can join anytime & anywhere. Our mentors deliver one-to-one guidance & submit real-time feedback reports to parents via mail. Every kid has their personal journey of learning assessment of an individual's progress, strengths & weaknesses helps in their betterment.

Parents can rely on Creta Class as we bring different elements into the session to make it more interactive. We emphasize integrating fun with math learning; our daily lessons & solving exercises will improve skills.


Stories establish understanding instantly among kids. Multiply sums for class 1 in the form of word problems are confusing & look tricky. Converting the sums into stories & detailed explanations levels up the conceptual understanding. Storytelling helps Creta Class to keep kids engaged with the contents. Watching our lesson videos, kids learn through relatable stories to clarify their doubts.

Math Talk

At Creta Class, we enable the feature of Math talk that persuades kids to speak up about their doubts & get them resolved instantly. It bridges the gap between educators and kids during learning hours. With this feature, we want to maintain the same bonding of mentorship even with online classes.

Creta Class: A Platform to Solve All Your Math Problems!

Creta Class is an educational platform developing math lessons for kids. Also, Creta Class was named the 'Best Learning App for Kids of the Year' - International Education Awards 2022. Our accomplishments show the dedication of the Creta Class professional team in developing scientifically staged lessons. To get an in-depth explanation & solve complex sums of multiply, Creta Class would be the best choice!

We exhibit interesting features like animated videos projecting relatable cartoons & figures, AI-based quizzes, Math talk, & real-time feedback reports. Creta Class focused on tech-based learning to expand the knowledge base of kids & make them smarter. We are a trusted platform for transforming kids' skills over many years, and our effective lesson modules for multiply sums will create a difference. Take a demo class & experience enriching learning!

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